
Satisfaction at the end of the day.

Why’s that something that’s more elusive than common?

It seems more normal that the end of the day is just the marker for a guaranteed repeat that starts tomorrow.

A repeat that’s common or maybe even dull. One that’s filled more with things we don’t love rather than things we do.

Today was a very active day for me.

Had a good ride, went trail running after, took care of lots around the house and with work, even had a moment to write and reflect.

How do we get more of those kind of days rather than the ones that own us?

I don’t know the answer for everyone, but what I do know of myself, is that fitness and health is the primary driver of what allows me to show up better in every way.

Being able to enjoy my expression of fitness through pushing the capabilities of my body out of choice, offers a deep satisfaction that’s so rarely experienced for far too many of us.

How do you find that feeling of satisfaction at the end of your day?

What’s missing, that if found, could bring you that?


Sunday Rides