Sunday Rides

Sunday rides.

One thing I notice is that activity brings happiness. The more I take on and the more I do, the more satisfied and fulfilled my life feels.

I love being fit. It’s like driving a precision vehicle around in life. But I don’t train necessarily just to be fit. I do it so I can participate more in my own life.

There’s so much more available in life than just participating in leisure. I used to live a life where everything revolved around eating or drinking. Go out to eat, have some drinks. What a boring life that was. Depressing too. But most importantly, it was living a life that wasn’t aligned with my real values.

It took some time to sift through all that stuff, and figure out what I really wanted. I’m not saying it’s easy; it certainly took me a while to figure some things out. And I’m learning.

But one thing I know very clear, is that living a healthy life, where I prioritize my well-being, and immerse myself in various things that require physical challenge, has been something that has brought me much more than I could have ever suspected.

I can’t encourage you all enough to get out and challenge yourselves physically this year. Whatever that means. Just go out and do. Get some sun, breathe some fresh air, sweat, cook healthy food, and start participating as the lead role in your life. Because damn it feels great when you’re the star of the show.


Fitness Opens doors

