Fitness Opens doors

Hero Gym class in Northside, Cincinnati

Your health and fitness opens doors...

How many times has your fitness held you back from participating in a camping trip, a long hike, an extended bike ride, or a weekend in a new city that’s going to require lots of walking?

On a more serious level, has the thought of stairs or parking far away ever been troublesome?

How could your life be different if you were able to optimize your human potential?

Your health and fitness isn’t just about aesthetics (although there’s nothing wrong with that either)....’s about living life on a deeper level. It’s about leveling up your fulfillment of the short time you have here.

And it’s your choice to make a commitment and take action towards improving it.

In six months I’ll be 48, and today I took up my first class of jujitsu, because that option is available to me. It’s an option because I make my health and fitness a practice of my life. It’s something I work on, dedicate time to, and immerse myself in a little more deeply each day.

Health and fitness opens certain doors of opportunity.

Which closed doors do you want to open? And what’s it gonna take?


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